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Floor preparation is one of the key elements to long-lasting, healthy floor coating. We believe in the importance of floor preparation as it is missed by many companies in the flooring industry today. 

It cannot be emphasized enough the substantial value in a properly prepared floor before going on with any coating. Improper preparation can lead to a failed floor coating which will lead to no good, as the only solution would be to re-conduct the entire process. 


To ensure longevity with our flooring systems we leave your floor dust, and debris free. We conduct a concrete hardness test before diamond grinding any surface to ensure we leave your concrete with the correct concrete profile required for each of our different flooring systems. 


After the concrete is diamond grinded to the correct profile, all concrete dust, and debris is cleaned with chemicals and a commercial vacuum leaving behind porous concrete to establish a proper adhesive bond with our coatings. As part of our floor preparation, we include concrete patch repair. With our 100% solids polyurea crack repair we fill in any major imperfections within the surface to provide an even-level appearance hiding imperfections on top of the coating. Believe it or not, floor preparation before the application of any coating is more than 60% of the process itself! 

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Beginning with every installation is preparation, making sure the base and foundation of the coating its prep’d and ready to coat. As part of our preparation process is concrete repair. This process consists of repairing major imperfections within the concrete such as cracks, divots, and uneven areas throughout the floor. Our 100% solids polyurea-based crack filler is used to patch these imperfections within the concrete, dried and sanded down to ensure a completely leveled finish throughout the surface. 


After completion of concrete, preparation comes coating application. Typically a 3-4 layer flooring system, consisted of a self-leveling prime coat, epoxy/polyaspartic base coat, decorative blend, and a UV-resistant urethane polyaspartic top coat. A moisture barrier, and or urethane cement base may be applied if flooring conditions are poor. Each of our flooring systems differ in forms of usage, however, we ensure that the installation of each system is thoroughly completed as procedure to best match the conditions of the space.  


Here at ECS we love what we do, transforming floors day-by-day, with a purpose. Certified and trained before approaching any site. Installation is not an easy task, as it includes strict ratios, work times, weather accommodations, etc. Working with industrial-grade chemicals, and under timely conditions, we stay prepared.



One of the most common questions we are asked every day! How much does it cost? How much do we charge per square foot? 


With one simple answer, we tell all of our clients, pricing varies depending on the type of flooring system, conditions of the surface, time of completion, working conditions, etc. There are many factors that have an effect on the cost of the project. Whether its residential, commercial, or industrial pricing is dependent on the listed factors. Epoxy/Polyaspartic flooring installations consist of a very in-depth procedure that must be conducted correctly for a successful installation. A step-by-step process incorporating temperatures, flooring conditions, ratios, humidity, etc. All of which go into factor before bidding on a project.


Unlike serval other companies in the industry, we are often updated with new technology for the most durable, high-quality material in all of our installs, guaranteeing a long-living successful floor coating. Working alongside the Sherwin-Williams industrial line, and Simron Coatings, the cost of raw materials is not cheap! Their high-performance floor coating systems can get very expensive in price, tied along with the raw material shortage, often costs tend to increase.


Don’t let this bring your hopes down, as we are very aggressive with our pricing! We offer budget-friendly and cost-effective flooring systems available for everyone! With occasional seasonal sales, and referral discounts we release to the public throughout the year! Ask one of our representatives today to customize a flooring system to best fit your needs! 

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